Let's Get Started
<!-- in our HTML we'll make a new div where weekli will live --> <div id="weekli"></div>
// now in our JS we'll create a new weekli object and build it with the default options var weekli = new Weekli(): weekli.build();
Get The Output
var weekli_output = weekli.get_output();
// example output
"available": [
"day": "WED",
"time": "7:00 am-8:00 am"
// etc. etc.
"unavailable": [
"day": "WED",
"time": "8:00 am-9:00 am"
// etc. etc.
Make It A Custom Fit
// Here are all of weekli's customization
// properties and their default value
var weekli = new Weekli({
wk_id: 'weekli',
// specifies the div id weekli is in
// (example if <div id = "weekli_custom"></div> then wk_id: 'weekli_custom')
week: 'workweek',
// decides which days of the week to show
// (can be 'week', 'workweek', 'weekend', or 'custom')
week_days: [],
// if 'week: custom', days of the week will be pulled from this array of strings
// (ex: week_days: ['Sunday', 'Tuesday', 'Friday'])
minute_interval: '60',
// determines the time-span for each row
// (ex: minute_interval: 75 would lead to rows showing 1hr 15min intervals 7:00 - 8:15)
time_range: '7:00,12:00',
// specifies the start and end times for the rows in military format
// (ex: time_range: 10:15,15:30 would have rows going from 10:15 am - 3:30 pm)
editable: true,
// determines if weekli component can be changed by user interaction
time_format: '12hour'
// specifies if time should be shown in civilian or military format
// can be '12hour' or '24hour'
Make It Work For You
// weekli will now ignore all user input
// weekli will react to user input
// clear the calendar, then load in the JSON object
// and display the available times
// make all times available
// make all times unavailable
Get Your Hands On It
github linkBOWER
bower install weekli.js --save
npm install weekli.js --save
git clone https:/github.com/collnwalkr/weekli.git
Include The Files
<!-- be sure to include the css and js files in your HTML -->
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href=".../weekli.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src=".../weekli.min.js"></script>